Friday, February 19, 2010

Short hairstyle

Everyone’s concerned about money these days. Whether someone has it or they don’t, stashing any excess cash away for a rainy day is looking a whole lot better than spending it in the face of the nation’s firmly entrenched recession. Where does that leave homeowners whose kitchen cabinets are hanging by their last hinge?

A shortage of cash doesn’t mean you have to settle for a kitchen that’s long past its prime. Think back to your childhood. Cold hard cash was probably a rare commodity back then, but you didn’t let that stop you. Instead of wallowing in pity, you got down and dirty and got creative. That same do-it-yourself approach today just might give your kitchen cabinets a millionaire makeover on a lemonade stand budget.

The Sun Chronicle recently examined this mentality when it ran an article titled “Money tight? Here are some home projects you can tackle yourself.” The report “shared some advice on how homeowners can get through these tough times using their ingenuity, the proper tools and the Internet – even if they aren’t necessarily ‘handy’ with home repairs.”


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